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Shreyas B
Here's what I'm all about!
Tech Geek.
Problem/Puzzle Solver.
I am
Developer - Music Gen
and I've been here with The Vimana since
Jan 2020

I work alongside
Music Gen Project
And Specialize in
Computer Science

I'm currently studying​
Computer Science
And passionately spending time on learning
Data Science
A little bit more about who I am . . .
I've dedicated plenty of time working on
- Flutter App Development
- Firebase
- Deployment

But I also am very confident with my
- Presentation
- Discussion
- Briefing
- Exposure

My Friends usually say I am very
But I guess I'm also kinda
as well.

The Proudest I have ever been was when I
Received a medal for my achievement in NSTSE exam
I'm a
so I really admire
in those closest to me!
If I'm not working hard on my goals, you could find me
Customizing my Computer
Being at The Vimana, the most valuable lesson I've learnt so far is

Plan first, then work
A little about my goals in the future!
Before 2022 I want to
Have a clear career path in my mind
A Year after graduation I want to
Use the skills that I gained and create a new project
Five years down the lane I want to
be in the career path that I don't mind changing for the rest of my life.
What does The Vimana say about me?
Shreyas is an intelligent, calm and self-managed member. He has good technical skills and always intends to grow in his domain
Over the years I've worked on a lot of interesting projects and activities.
Here are just a few to name!

Select a side and present my points till the end
Story Telling
Create a story from a pre-defined set of words and present it
Green Activity
Snap pictures of the plants that I helped grow.
My most favorite aspect about being at The Vimana is
Working with people from different domains
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