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If you don’t take advantage of LinkedIn now, you might regret it later!

LinkedIn is a social media platform containing more than 600 Million people who are serious about their career and professional connections. I hope you are one among them.

Job markets are being hit hard, placements might get tougher and tougher, and we are rapidly moving away from the “traditional methods “of recruitment. Recruiters are actively looking for the best people at all places, 365 days a year!

When the whole world is moving forward with digital networking, what are you waiting for?

As an active job seeker, it is not just enough to create a profile on LinkedIn, you need to actively participate in this whole environment of “Self Marketing”.

The best part about LinkedIn is that you can easily connect with any Experienced Professional and Business, and in the same way, you can easily get founded by the Recruiters too! It all just takes little efforts.

Start Boosting your Profile and Stay constantly active, to make the Best use of LinkedIn.

Here are Four Activities for you to make the Most of LinkedIn!

1. The power of Like.Share.Comment on LinkedIn

Linked works in such a way that as soon as you Like or Comment, all your followers get notified and it reaches their home page. You must definitely make use of this algorithm and put out best and relevant comments on Relevant Posts that you come across! Share some great content that belongs to your field of interest and career aspiration.

These activities will definitely help you keep reminded in people’s minds and are the easiest ways to boost your profile!

2. LinkedIn Groups

We all are here to connect with the Industry professionals in our field of Interest. But where to find them? The answer is: “LinkedIn Groups”

Here are the people who constantly interact about some relevant trends, speak about business culture and post some great opportunities for others.Now I need not elaborate more! Join in at least 25 LinkedIn groups and start interacting to take the biggest advantage !

3. Grow Connections

Connections are everything on Social Platforms.If you are stuck with few followers and not knowing how to grow your circle of network- here’s a quick method to follow

Start reaching out to your College/ university Alumni members. They are your best way to cross the bridge from Students to Industry professionals. You can easily connect with them and slowly reach out to their industry connections!

4. Your Own Content is your Power

Now if you really wanna make the Best use of LinkedIn, you can start posting videos of your projects, write some short Content, Mention your achievements, etc. Use the Slide share and Article writing options to express your talent.Tag some relevant people, communicate in the best way you can and stay consistent, you will definitely achieve great and unbelievable results!


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